Spending Christmas day at Toronto, Canada and planning to spend New Years at Times Square back at New York~!!
Oh, Oh, Jay or Viv can you please do me a favour and call my parents and tell them I said Merry Christmas and Happy New Years for me? There aren't any phones here that I can use to call back home.. Tell them if I can't find a phone by then I'll call them when I get back to Sydney~
Love You's All~!!!
<3 Be.
Merry Christmas
Very jealous that you get to have a white christmas but stay warm and healthy! Miss you loads.
Love, Jay
Crappy weather in America!
I was watching the news this morning and they were saying how America is going through some really tough times now. The weather is going crazy! Flash floods, storms, heavy winds...
I'm really worried about you Jackie! Hope that the area you're at isn't as affected! Please stay safe ok?
Love, Jay
Be strong!
It's been a while since I posted anything here...or on blogger at all. I remember a time when it was just me who was blogging to keep the blog alive, now it's Jackie and Jay.
After reading you guys' posts, I feel a great urge to hug you guys (although it's pretty easy for me to do that to Jay). I know that right now is probably going to be a tough time for you guys. But have faith! I'm sure you guys will be able to make it through. ATAR is not everything, knowing the both of you very well, I KNOW that you guys will be able to get very far in life and do commemorable things that will make all of us proud, but more importantly, yourselves proud. It's going to be hard and there will be many challenges to come, but as long as you stay strong and never give up, you'll make it through. And hey, we're all in this together and I'm sure that if there is anything that any one of us can do for whoever is in need that we don't hesitate to help out. So don't worry and be happy my loves :)
Anyways, I can't wait for our Port Stephens adventure! While nothing has been officially planned yet, it still feels surreal and at times I am doubtful about whether it'll still be on but i really really really hope that it is. I mean c'mon, soon I'll be buried under thousands and thousands of homework, sheets of paper, assignments and exams, I HAVE to go out and have some fun before I can fully commit myself to such a horrible situation and what better way to do that than to spend it together with my lovely sister and cousins somewhere where we are not constantly nagged at by parents, where we can relax, have fun, smile and laugh together. Ahh...just thinking about it is making me all excited!!
Okay, now, I suppose I should give you guys a little update about myself while I am at it. Well, I just started working today at Aunty Meiyee's father-in-law's bakery as extra help since her father-in-law and mother-in-law are going to go overseas for a while and thus Aunty Meiyee will be left to take care of the shop, which would be hard on her. So basically I decided to go help out to lessen the load which she has to bear. And man, what a load of work she has to do. She has to wake up at 3am to go with Uncle Peter, her husband, to make bread, then afterwards she comes home to take her children to the child care centre before going back home to sleep and then waking up at around 1 to get ready to go back to the shop at around 3 till 6 or 7 when she has to close the shop and pick up her children from the child care centre and the whole process starts again. That's a very busy day don't you think? To top it off, she hasn't been able to sleep well, which is really bad. Plus she is kind of sick. Hopefully she'll be able to get better soon and sleep well. And I hope that I will be able to help lessen the load for her.
Anyways, my first day...well, I have been there to work for a bit once with Jay, Jackie and Queenie. But that was much easier since we were working together so there wasn't as much pressure. The first thing I learnt was that 'first impressions are very important' as quoted by Aunty Meiyee. Thus, turning up to work with my hair down was a no no. I had to borrow a clip from Aunty to clip up my hair, which is quite foreign to me since I usually just tie my hair up, so that was quite an..interesting experience. Plus, I had to put another clip to clip up my fringe. So I must have looked quite interesting..not that I looked to see what I looked like. Haha...thankfully I didn't scare any customers away.
It was quite hard communicating though because everyone that worked there knew Vietnamese except for me. So while they happily conversed in Vietnamese, I just stood around awkwardly. But they were nice nonetheless. For the first hour or so, I just stood around trying to remember the prices of the various items in the store and let me tell you, that is quite an overwhelming thing to do. It was a little better than the last time I came, as there were more price tags on the various items, but there were still some which did not have any prices and which caused me to be quite embarrassed when I had to keep asking the customer to wait while I asked the other lady working what the price of the item was. It was even more embarrassing when the customer knew the price and I didn't. I also felt bad for the other lady because there were many many orders for pork rolls or chicken rolls which I had not learnt how to do yet, so I had to keep calling her to do them, especially when she went to eat her lunch. I felt so bad when I had to stop her from eating to go and make some kind of a roll. I could only laugh it off awkwardly. Another embarrassing which happened was with the microwave. I could put stuff in and turn on the timer to cook it for a certain time period but for quite a while I could not figure out why the food was not getting hot. Finally, I summoned up the courage to ask the other lady and it was only then that I learnt I had to turn on the timer AND press 'cook' for it to actually heat up. Silly silly me. At this point, let me give a shout of to the poor man who waited awkwardly for his cheese and bacon roll to be heated up. I'm so sorry but the wait was for nothing as the roll was not hot after the long awkward wait.
Oh and let me just say, I am NEVER EVER wearing flats to work again. My feet were killing me by the end of the day and I had the strong urge to just walk around bare footed, it probably would've been more comfortable. Man, my feet were all red by the end of the day and they still hurt right now. My legs are tired too. Standing around for 5 hours sure does wonders to legs don't they? I take my hat off to all those people who work for such long periods of time.
All in all, today was a great experience for me all day, although tiring, it was an exhilarating day. I am absolutely beat even after having a nap straight after coming home. I really need to somehow gain more energy.
Okay. Enough from me. I blabbered on for quite a bit. Just wanna say, I miss you heaps Jackie love! And I can't wait for you to come back so we can have a fun outing together again. But make sure you have lots and lots of fun in America. Don't worry too much and just enjoy yourself. Smile heaps, laugh until it hurts and be safe!
Signing out,
It's ok baby
Anyway ATAR was shit no matter how you look at it.. I didn't get high enough to do the course I wanted and parents have been giving me shit as well. It was really really disappointing, I mean I didn't expect much, but when the results came out I thought there was a glitch in the system... and I checked and checked again but the results were the same. Well, guess there's nothing I can do about it now.
I'm pretty sure my parents will let us go Port Stephens, it's not that far and it's not like we're going forever! We'd better be allowed!!! I'm already really really excited for it! I want to get out of Sydney!!
Love, Jay
I'm actually missing home alot right now, oh would I like to say I miss my family a lot too, but ever since ur hsc results came out and the massive rage I received from my mum over the phone where she could somehow tear my head off literally over the line!! I've been scared to call her since, wtf?! Is probably what you're thinking but seriously, shes been angry at me many times but once like it is absolutely puts rage on a whole new level!! I can already imagine her throwing me the shovel when im back to dig my own grave first b4 she gets down to business into giving me a slow and painful death then just drop me into my already dug out hole because she would not even bother to give me a funeral!! I might consider myself luck if she shoves a stick onto the dirt after just to mark my spot in the ground..
Yea.. that freaky guys.. I've never been this scared to call her before!! But I miss them oh soo much T^T. Why don't I just try calling her? Well, Listen. Wait. Read. I did, seriously I asked her if she was angry or lets say disappointed, Hell yea she was!!
Quote: "Are you ashamed of yourself? Oh, you're probably enjoying yourself too much in America, I knew I shouldn't of let you go!!"
My mum almost sounded mocking.. and that she has never done before, I mean I confess, I confess myself guilty for getting such low marks, but hey I'm already in such depression, can't you show just a little bit of support perhaps a little bit of love?
I'm in such dilemma right now...
Regardless of all this~!! About your souvenirs!! Since I'm running low on cash, your gifts wouldn't be WOAH~ BIG!! But do you guys like Hershey chocolates? Personally I love them and I decided why not share something I love?
I'll post more up later, and I can't wait to see you guys soon!!!
<3 Be.
Summer...I mean winter break
The thing about having such a long break is that even though it's long and technically we should have heaps of things to do, it's so boring. Unless you head for somewhere out of Sydney, you're going to be bored out of your brains!! That's why we have to organise that trip to Port Stephens and SOON!!! I'm going crazy here!
There's basically no one to go out with and there's no job to keep me occupied...which reminds me that I have to find a job now which sucks. ><"
I have no idea what to do or what to apply for and I seriously don't want to be rejected! But anyway, we need to hurry up and have a cousin outing and eat good food because I'm seriously going to go insane.
Glad to hear that you're having fun Jackie!! You'd better bring back lots of stuff for us otherwise.... XD
Love, Jay
From Halfway Across the Globe~
I am proud to announce that I am Officially OVER the jerk back in Sydney!! Hell yeah~!! Thought this day would never come but after half a year to mourning over a guy who doesn't appreciate me is finally over~ Could it be the hot american guys over here? negative!! Haven't even met a decent one yet!! So why am I suddenly over him then? On my 10 day tour in LA I've met a guy who showed me that there are way better guys out there who are not only looks~ You might be thinking, wow she jumps from guys easily.. negative agn!! He has a girlfriend who he loves very much but our D&M seshes just proves to me that I don't deserve the treatment he's been giving me~
So I've met this guy who is full in personality and not bad on looks.. but too bad he belongs to someone else.. Can I order another one of these guys? Too bad Life doesn't work that way~
Now the useless guy is outta my head, I'm gonna open my eyes and wait for the right one for me to come...
Well girls? How are the Aussie boys going? One thing I know is that according to statistics Aussie guys are the most faithful outta all the boys around the world!! *wink* Know what I'm saying?
Haha Post-HSC the best period in a teenager's life!! Party hard Girls!!!! I'll be back soon so enjoy the brilliant sun with you guys!!! Keep me updated with your lives!! Why am I still the only one posting all the blogs?!
<3 Bebe.
Keeping Up...
Today's been absolutely tiring day for me.. actually.. most of my days are.. if I'm not working, I'm out partying, if not that, I'm out chilling, or cleaning at home.. or doing whatever I'm doing, could be anything really..
I've been meaning to blog again sooner but I've been caught up with all the post-HSC events!! Hahaha~ Our poor Vivien is currently under textbooks studying for her horrifying exams!!! HERE'S A SHOUT OUT TO HER!!! GLUXX WITH ALL YOUR EXAMS AND I'M SURE YOU'LL ACE THEM WITH FLYING COLOURS!!!!
What's been troubling me lately is how rarely I see my cousins. It's kinda disappointing really.. our families haven't been together often, nor are there much family gatherings either.. It's as if the family bond between our parents are slowly drifting away and maybe one day, all that childhood they've spent with each other would be long forgotten, that scares me somewhat.. Despite us humans been so complex-minded and intelligent when it comes to emotions we're really horrible with it, how can people whom they've been once so closely tied with be so easily forgotten simply by time? This I'm referring to both friends and family.. All those memories, good and bad all doesn't matter anymore. I honestly CAN'T do it myself, I can't see the heart in me to let go anyone close to me, maybe that's why I can be called selfish or even greedy having to cling onto everyone I get close to or have shared a bondage with.
It almost frightens me at how us humans are able to forget that and even let go of something I find so precious to us.. Negative. I would never let that happen with myself or those around me, that's why I try so hard to hold on to everyone is my life, though as some fail (my sister), I also know I've succeeded in some (many of my now inseparable friends) .
Hold Those Special to You because One Day You May Come By Too Late.
Now back to our lives, as I am leaving to America on the 7th of December for an entire month before I would be back onto the scorching lands of Sydney, Jay, Viv, Queenie and Me have organised another cousin outing to the city (once again) on Monday the 6th. Unfortunately Queenie has work that day and we can't change the date as Viv doesn't finish her exams until earlier that day, however, we have decided that me, Jay and Viv would still enjoy the day out and have Queenie join us for dinner after she's done with work at Wagaya~ I'm sooooo excited for that day to come as I haven't hanged out with them as a group for soooo long and I MISS THEM SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!
Now, Whats been up with my lovelife? Nothing. Absolutely Cup Empty, Nothing. Yea.. I still can't get the dickhead out of my head, Maybe this is the downside to my "Clingy~ness to relationships and my emotions". He was someone special to me, what I felt with him was different to every other guy and I know he would've been the one who would keep the smile on my face, cause the butterflies in my stomach, the tears on my pillow but the skipping beats to my heart. *Sigh* but I have no regrets with the feelings I have for this guy.. None the less he is the one who allowed me to feel these feelings and despite how he treats me simply reflecting on our memories or looking at our photos, a smile always makes it's way to my face regardless to whether I want it to or not.
The End.
(Only to this BLOG!! No one gets away from me this easily!! *evil laughs*)
<3 Be.
Questionable Justice?
Bombarded by the stressed of HSC and the forced will to do good is really draining my energy.. Bec officially came back.. And the moment I saw her in the house when I came home from my studies I asked my mum why she was here.. "Shes only here for dinner is that answer good enough for you?" honestly.. what does that mean? is that answer good enough for me? >< However, there was change in her.. her attitude.. extremely snobby.. acting high and mighty.. demanding.. So what does she does now? Nothing.. After dropping out.. without a job.. she's back from her lil "vacation" and lies in bed all day with the tv next to her watching drama.. Talk about a good life..
Next day I told my mum to go shopping with me and my sister came along.. we passed the pet store to ask some questions for our pup.. and Bec sees a husky on sale.. she demands for it.. How the hell are we able to own such a large dog?! Its not within our financial abilities!! She starts tearing up.. starts to cry.. Mum weakens.. and tells me to cheer her up.. ME?! SHE WANTS ME TO CHEER HER UP COZ SHE CANT GETS WHAT SHE WANTS!? what has she done to deserve all of this?! Mum then proceeds to tell me to don't just walk out of the store and talk to her.. Oh gosh.. Not like I'm being mean but I really don't have all the time to sweeten a girl who just came back without being questioned!!
So what's the questionable justice you ask? Last night was the first night we argued since Bec left.. I've been trying extremely hard to keep this nice relationship with my mum because I know shes stressed and despite how hard it is to cope with her at times I still do because she's my mum and I love her.. though.. now Becs back, I, the substitute is tossed away.. What was the argument about? Well after intense study I decided to take a night walk outside with a neighbour who's in the same grade as me.. and after that decided to chill the night with a movie back at his place since we don't have an exam the next day.. I came home a lil later than I should have but my mum starts calling me a slut!! Quote: "Why are you so cheap?! You are such a slut!!" ... BANG!!! My heart just shatters at that.. A mother.. can put down her daughter.. but to lower her to the standard of a slut? Does she not understand how much it can kill her daughter inside? I couldn't hold it any longer I snapped back Quote:"Me? Out of all people you can not call me a slut!! I am far from a slut!! Why did you call me a slut?! How can you degrade me to that level?!" Immediately after I ran into the toilet and locked myself in.. whilst I hear my mothers rages on the other side of the door.. endless tears streamed down my face.. I couldn't hold that pain any longer..
So my sister.. is the good one.. I lose to her in every way.. Even to the guy I love.. Today I was at UTS Library since 11am to 8pm at night.. He came to visit me.. however we didn't talk much since I was studying.. A few minutes after he gave me a call.. Thinking it was important.. Negative.. He was asking me what Bec's number was because he needs to look for her and it was urgent.. So.. even to him I lose against her.. But that's another story.. I came home after the long day of pure maths.. I left my keys at home.. so I rang the doorbell and my mum opens the door to only be welcomed by her cold glare and her ignoring me.. I noticed Bec wasn't home yet.. She too did not have keys when she came home and rang the doorbell.. Similarly my mum opened the door and welcomed her with warm conversations and hot soup and prepared fruit she already cut up.. You say Jealousy?! This time I'll admit it.. I am jealous.. but what have I done to deserve this injustice?
What else is she going to take from me?! I'm pretty much failing in my HSC because of the over stress I'm undergoing.. I really don't know how long I can hold up..
Sorry guys.. I really can't remain cheerful after today.. I've been smiling and cheerful to my friends today.. I'm absolutely wiped out >< Gotta go now.. I have a Mathematics Extension I exam early tomorrow.. Lets see how long I can hang on..
<3 Be.
So you're probably wondering why this blog is called.. Pathetic right? Well.. my sister [Bec] just dropped by... After having disappeared with no information from her whatsoever.. She just called to say she was in front of our house.. She came in as if it was natural, she even brought in some soup she made.. honestly.. this is the first time I've heard about her cooking anything...
And as figured it wouldn't be her if she doesn't come for something.. right? As she leaves.. I hear my mum in the background shoving her some money and telling her not to let me know because I would rage.. I wont rage.. it's my mums money.. but honestly.. pathetic.. who am I referring to? Both.
Why Bec's pathetic?
Pathetic for coming back.. having to have achieved nothing and only asking for something,
Pathetic for telling mum to pay her to get her drivers license a second time because the money mum gave last time was spent on something else.. Pathetic because i see her coming back wearing minimal clothing plus nails with black edges? Pathetic because the person who drove her here was the guy who dumped her and threatening our whole family with horrible things that I am not gonna mention? And Pathetic because every single time she comes she seems to have think shes won again because she gotten something..
Despite her being my mum and everything, and as a daughter it is disrespectful for saying this.. but mum too.. is pathetic..
Pathetic for falling for her traps time and time again, Pathetic to lie to me.. [the one who tries so hard to make everything ok], Pathetic to tell bec not to tell me!!, Pathetic to offer her food on the way home, Pathetic to give her the limited money we have left..
I'm speechless.. our family isn't currently financially stable.. and we've been through many times where we have to move in order to pay our debts.. I work extra days even during my HSC to earn myself money so mum can support one less child.. Having to watch my family fall apart.. not being able to do much.. Burns my heart inside.. feelings so pathetic myself.. how ironic..
This blog's.. too depressing.. its just been so hard lately to smile in front of everyone anymore.. no matter how much i tell myself.. to just keep smiling or else people around you would feel sad.. and further more.. i'll then become the burden.. so i keep telling myself.. no matter what happens.. i have to keep smiling because.. i can't be selfish..
I'm saying too much, this is more than i hoped to say.. i should stop before i open to much.. and in the end.. get hurt..
So.. ^^ Happy Studying Guys!! Your future can only be determined with what you do!! So take risks, accept chances and do everythign to her fullest with NO regrets!!!
Much Love~
Be. <3
Time Flies..
Well.. where to start.. I'll make it short coz i've gotta get back to the books.. well as everyone knows about my troublesome sister.. yea her.. well 2 months back shes officially left our household and is currently running wild in the outside world.. where she is? she wont tell.. Mums been keeping in contact with her.. she does come back to visit every now and then (eg. bby sister's bday).. but thats wat makes me wonder.. she never liked mum.. so why is she still keepign in contact with her.. but now i know.. Recently she came back and ask for her passport and birth certificate because she wants to apply for her driver's licence [bad idea!!].. yea.. figured.. the moment shes gotten those shes disappeared.. as in.. no more contacting with us or mum.. gone. doesnt reply on msn or her phone.. wait.. more like she changed her number for the umptheeth time!!
*sigh* naive mum.. but i guess we can't blame her.. i mean that is her daughter.. obviously she really cares and really wants her back.. but she just gets tricked over and over again by her!!
But then again.. life has been a little more peaceful.. no offense or anything.. but its like.. less drama in my household.. though.. because usually i need to stress about my hsc and the girl who keeps running away.. oh my mother whos suffering from depression.. and that i tell you can get pretty bad.. ><
Mum however is cheering up a bit more lately.. though she does ask about bec often.. at least shes not worried sick every night.. she's also been going to church on Sunday mornings.. sometimes i think she's just in need of something to hold on to.. to give her that last hope.. i mean.. if god can give her that hope [i personally don't believe in god] then.. I'll support her all the way despite her attempts into getting me to join her == i refuse!! been once.. and i was bored out of my mind!! to me they seem to just brainwash those who a weaker emotionally.. take advantage of their beliefs.. OK HOLD IT GUYS!! I'm not bad mouthing them ok?! this is coming from my point of view.. so.. don't take offense to it!!
Anyway.. I've gotta shove my face back into my books now.. I know its short and all.. but I'll refill on our crazy life after our HSC and maybe our desperate survival though it xD Can't wait for the parties screaming for my name on the other side of the finishing line!!!
p.s I'm a stalker~ *innocent face*
p.p.s SHOUT OUT TO JAY AND QUEENIE!!! STUDY HARD GIRLS AND LET OUR HARD WORK PAY OFF LOVE YOU BOTH AND SEE YOU AFTER HSC!!! yes Viv i won't forget you.. *spine breaking hug* i fking love u!!!! excuse my language but its the only word i can think of to describe my love for you~ hehe
<3 Be.
Keeping this blog alive
Haha...I haven't been on this blogger for ages, let alone on this blog. But yes, we really should keep this blog alive. I mean, it's got some potential, we just actually have to commit to it ^^. So I'll shall start this ball rolling and hopefully someone will continue.
Sooo...the most recent thing that has happened within our family has got to be the arrival of the infamous Heather who has always been the talk of around the parents, the one who is very smart and studied in Canada. First up, I have to explain that how she is related to us. Bear in mind, this might get a little confusing.
Our grandfather had 3 wives, as you would've known if you had read one of the earliest post in this blog. 2 of the wives were twins. One of the twins is me and jay's grandmother. And the other is queenie's and jackie's grandmother. In actual fact, they are all our grandmothers but let's get a little technical here I suppose. And so, the third wife, who mind you, none of us has really met before, is Heather's grandmother. And thus, out of all of this mess, I hope you can come to the conclusion that she is our cousin. Haha...what a round about way of saying it aye?
Anyways, I must admit that I wasn't very excited to meet her. I have never met her before, so i didn't know what she was like and judging by how our last cousin, Catilyn turned out, you couldn't blame me for keeping up a barrier in case something similar happened once again.
Thankfully it did not. It was jay and queenie who got to know Heather well and soon they were attached at the hip. I must admit, I became quite attached myself once I got to know her. She is 25 years old but acts around the same age as us cousins, maybe even a little less mature than me. Haha...she's very out-going, kind and easy to talk to. We've come to know each other a great deal over these past weeks, especially Jay who loves to ask her questions :)
It was from one of the questions that we asked her, that we came to the realisation that 10 years ago, she was actually suppose to come study in Australia. What happened was, some mess up happened somewhere in the middle of transferring paper work. And because Heather needed to finalise her placement quickly, my auntie in Canada quickly finalised paperwork in Canada and so she was sent there instead.
To think that, 10 years ago, she could've already been here is quite shocking. How different would things be? Would they be different at all or would it be the same, just with an extra cousin to bond with? Fate sure is unpredictable.
But she's here now. And it has been extremely fun hanging out with her, especially since she is staying at me and jay's house, so we get to bug her at night. Of course, it's not exactly the best thing since I get distracted from my studies, but it is definitely more important, in terms of priorities.
The sad thing is, she is leaving the day after tomorrow. It has been a short but sweet time together, but all too soon, she has to return to Hong Kong. There is definitely a part of me that wishes that she could stay here, but the realistic part of me knows that sooner or later she would have to return, and in this case, it's just sooner than later.
So yeah, I know that this definitely won't be the end, especially since we have formed a special attachment to her, something which isn't exactly a good thing. I'm sure we'll keep in contact and we'll visit one another soon enough.
Okay. That's me for today! I hope i haven't bore you to death.
Tis been a while
Puzzle Buzzle
It's been a long time since any of us have posted hasn't it? If i recall correctly, i think i was the last to post. Hm...hopefully this blog won't be ditched already!
Anyways, as i'm sure you guys can see, I finally finished the puzzle, with the help of Jay. I actually finished it quite a while ago, but i just haven't had the chance (more like couldn't be bothered :P) to post it up. But I just finished my tutoring homework and thought I should post it up.
It's a lovely picture, props to Jackie who helped choose it. It's actually sitting on the floor in the study where it has been since the cousin outing. I would frame it, but it actually cost quite a bit to buy a frame, money which i really can't afford. But i don't wanna kill it yet coz it's taken a lot of hard work to put it together. I don't exactly know what to do with it, but it'll probably end up back in its boz like the other puzzle i made :D If you guys have any suggestions, please do tell because it would really be a shame to break it after all the hard work put into putting it together.
Anyways, i better go now, i wanna sleep early today :)
Night night lovely people
Our sleepover
Yep yep....of course, we soon grew tired of that and retired to our bedroom. Which after much moving and changing, turned into a sleepover area, with a queen bed mattress on the floor, moved from my room.

Ahh...this is the first time we are meeting you guys...visually. So i suppose i should introduce us so you guys can tell who we are. It's not exactly the best first impression of us but it'll do :) the back, making a failed heart due to someone's head, is me, Viv :)
The one holding the photo and sticking her tongue out is Jay
The one in blue, who is also sticking her tongue out, on Jay's left is Jackie.
Which leaves Queenie, who is the one on Jay's right smiling cutely at the camera.
Nice to meet you :D

After this, we ended up fooling around for a bit before drifting off into lala around...4 in the morning, to get re-energised for the next day...
But..that's a story for another day as it is rather late and I am getting very tired. Phew...who knew uploading photos on this blog would be so tiring.
That's it from me for today :)
Signing off
~Viv ^-^
There Once Was A Girl Named... CAITLYN?
Ok so lets start from today!! Omg I was at work and it was pouring!!! But Thank God by the time I finished at 7pm and needed to head over to the hot pot restaurant it stopped... We were having to much fun with our food haha forcing each other to eat the "last" meat and "last" fish and stupid queenie going on her diet?! Like Fk The What?! She's a skinny ass bitch!! Ok.. Anyway I bought soo much junk food which I highly doubt we'll even get near finishing!!
Next off we came back to Jay and Viv's house where half of us took the taxi and the other half getting driven we popped up into the bed and played that awesome game of monopoly, we started off swearing and raging at each other for all the properties each of us bought and fighting over which street colour we wanted~ The swear words flew over the board whereas the money we're soaring through the air.. yea.. a mini war xP So.. as it were heading to the end I think due to all the energy we used up earlier on in the game we pretty much died x.x But yea.. despite the fact queenie had the most properties she ended up bankrupted since she landed on all of Jay's house filled properties... Ok thats the end of that..
But yea.. I'm getting a little sidetracked.. The main idea of this blog is for us to finally gather up our info and thoughts on Caitlyn~ The girl we have been previously mentioning in our other blogs... Now where should we start? Hm.. *thinks* I think it was a November.. the end of 2008 when we first met her, at first we were reluctant to approach since we've never had anyone new joining our family and calling someone new.. our "cousin" since the rest of us grew up together and we're pretty much inseparable yea.. she was someone.. different.. But that wasn't the problem we still treated her nicely, taught her english, helped her with her school work and assessments.. and any other thing she needed.. then! She decided to turn her back on us!! She started writing a diary.. [ok!! I know we're not supposed to look through other peoples privacy~ But hey!! not our fault if she wrote crap about us right? *nudge nudge* right?] About us!! And how bad we were to her and everything like Fk The What?! Who gave you the opportunity to come here and obtain a better possibility?! US!! Who went through all the trouble to pay thousands a year to let you come here?! US!! Who paid for your daily expenses?! US!! Who gave you a place to stay and gave you food and clothes?! US!! Don't even let me continue.. Geesh this is soo not my style firing up.. but dude that girl has ISSUES!!
Did I mention we talked crap about us?! eg. Our grandmas are bitches?! That she will have a better life than us?! We're spoiled bitches?! Like HEY!!! Let's go back a few knotches!! We welcomed you here bitch!! Ok *puff puff* I'm just going to stop her.. and let my girls do the bitching man.. This is simply OUTRAGEOUS!! *wink wink*~
heyhey~ its queenie here! and thanks jackiee...loving all the bitchy comments you are writing about me ><>
like jackie said...we had hot pot!! fishballs *yummm
I'm not exactly on a diet like jackie says..i just cant eat too much...cos i feel VERY sick afterwards =(...AND i still ate heaps
its currently 1.14AM and i really want to sleep but i have to stay up with my lovely cousins to complete a puzzle which has 500 freaken piecessss!! fml....
haha i'm also eavesdropping on them atm and i hear jay moaning about her fail essay..omfg she soo did not fail!!! we all know shes smart ;)
Okay! back to caitlyn~ one word..BITCH. like wtf bro shes such a fken ungrateful bitch. shes come to aus with open loving hands and she repays them by bitching about them in her diary about how everyone looks down on her. WHICH is soo not true!!...anywayss talking about her is such a waste of time!
Timeee to continue with the puzzle..-signing off-
anywaysss tomorrow we are only to have a hardcore city outing which is why we need to seriously go to sleep cos alot of vigorous activites will be happening tomorrow ;) omggg all the yummy food we are going to eat tomorrow *drools! haha and go K...sing jay sean songs which is jackies fav. artist *smirk.. thinking he was a non-curry LOL!!
ok it's jay here now. it's now 1.30 am and i'm feeling so dead. bleh. i slept at 4 am yesterday but i woke up feeling so awake!! anyhow, talking about caitlyn doesn't make me feel anything because even though she's my cousin...she never treated us like we were, and now I don't want to treat her like one anymore.
anyway there are a lot of things that she did that were really horrible, and she caused us all a lot of grief. she was never able to see all of the things that we sacrificed for her while she was here. bringing her here from vietnam and paying for her school expenses and her intensive english courses cost over $10000. And even after going to all those lessons, she still wasn't able to take anything in. After going for ten weeks, she still didn't know what a table was.. and so we had to pay for another ten weeks otherwise she wouldn't have been able to go to high school.
she caused grandma and my aunts a lot of grief, and she threw massive temper tantrums for no apparent reasons. my aunty got her a job working with a friend about a month or two before she left, working with jewellery. but she was ungrateful...and she stole a lot of jewelery from the place and sold it...and my aunty was humiliated and was forced to pay her friend back.
but caitlyn was still acting up. sigh. it was hard to act like there was nothing wrong, even though we knew that she'd written such horrible things about us. on one hand we felt extremely annoyed and pissed at her for daring to write something like that about us, but on the otherhand, we didn't want to completely alienate her because after all, she was our cousin.
anyway in her diary, she wrote that she was going to become even better than all of us here, and that she was going to be smarter and better, and when she was at the top, she could look back and laugh at us all.. and i remember feeling that it was extremely arrogant of her to say so, because after offence, but she was extremely dumb..and there wasn't much chance of her becoming successful in a place like vietnam.
anyway i dunno..i don't want to think about her anymore. the other three have moved the puzzle to the side and haha they thought they lost a piece. hilarious. now we're trying to decide on a time to leave. haha anyway i'm going to sit down and talk now. time for viv.
love, jay
hey hey!
Vivy's here! It's currently 1:54 am. Man...i'm so tired it's not funny. But, you know, i have been anticipating this outing for a very long time. And although the day hasn't exactly gone the way i imagined it, it's still great because i'm with my closest people in the whole wide world and i would rather be here than anywhere else.
But onto Caitlyn. I totally agree with everything that my three lovely ladies have said above. But i have to admit, before i knew what Caitlyn did, i did feel sorry for her. To have to leave Vietnam and come to australia all by herself and live with people that she hasn't even met for a very long time seems like such a daunting task and it's really courageous of her to do so. And i felt so bad that she had to look after all the babies while all the other children were having fun together and laughing happily. And yeah, i sorta understand the way she feels towards us, considering all the luck and fortune (we are not rich, but we are fortunate enough to live a comfortable life) that we have. But she seriously went too far with what she did, regardless of what we have.
Yes, sometimes we can be a little bitchy. But most of the time, we are really kind and nice. We allowed Caitlyn to stay in australia, under a roof with food, clothing and shelter. We provided her with education and a place to work so that she can earn money to take back home with her. But she doesn't really appreciate it.
She says that we boast about all the things we have that she doesn't but she doesn't understand that that was not our intentions. Like, one time, she wanted to buy a bracelet and jackie's mum said that it was the same one that jackie had, but caitlyn didn't care and got it anyways. I mean,'s totally not right to get something even though she knows that someone else has it. And the same thing happened again when jackie and caitlyn and her mum went shopping and jackie wanted to buy this dress. And caitlyn saw it and said she wanted to get it too, even though she knew that jackie wanted to get it. I mean, come on, she was right in front of her and she still wanted to get it. that is just not on!
And then, there was also the incident when jackie's mum was kind enough to buy caitlyn a moblie phone for her birthday. And like, later on, caitlyn said she wanted to buy a phone for her dad but it turns out, she kept the phone that jackie gave to her for her dad and used the phone that she bought for herself. I mean, how selfish can she get! We try to giver her affection and treat her as family and she doesn't even return the favour.
I just don't understand her. She is so inconsiderate and doesn't care about others when we all try to make her feel a part of the family. I understand that she is away from her family and she must feel so foreign in Australia, but what she did is totally not appropriate.
It turns out, near the end of her year. She tried to go to the principal and beg him/her to let her stay for another year, asking her/him not to tell our auntie about it. But it still got to them. It's not that we don't want to let her stay. But there is a lot of money involved in letting her stay for another year and she doesn't seem to appreciate it and put it in good use to pursue her education, so there is really no point in letting her stay in the first place.
Her actions turned so bad towards the end that our grandmas and aunties wouldn't pay for her aeroplace ticket home. Which she ended up paying for herself! Ha! Serves her right. I'm sorry, i'm not usually this bitchy and i really did try to see the good to what she did, tried to reason with her actions, but she just pushed passed the boundaries time and time again, making it harder and harder for me to try to understand and let it pass by. So yeah. This is the end of my bit now. We are going to prepare for bed and then lie in bed, maybe play some cards, have some heart to hearts and then bedtime! So that tomorrow we can be awake and fresh to start the new day and the new adventure! :D
Okay! Bedtime kiddys!
Hehe~ Signing off time: 2:24am
Love Love Love Love from Us~
Dad was going to force Wendy to come to hot pot with us, but I said no because it would have been awkward with her there. And then he said he'd come to some sort of 'deal', pft, yeah in his own mind, apparently he'd talked to Wendy and made a deal, but in reality, the only deal he made was in his mind. He said that Wendy didn't need to come to hot pot with us tomorrow, but she had to go to the city with us on Friday which was even worse, and then he was like, if you don't take her, I'm not going to give you any monet. So..WHAT A DICKHEAD!
Argh, and then I heard that he'd tried calling Jackie's mum to get some support or something, and telling her that Queenie should bring her brother to the city as well. Argh. How annoying.
But anyway, it's been sorted out. Wendy never wanted to go in the first place.
I hope tomorrow will be fun!
Anyway going to watch dramas now, hooked on 'You're Beautiful'. Hehehe.
Signing out now.
Jay XD
Hello hello!
Vivy's in the house!
Haha...hey guys. Gosh..i'm in such a good mood for some unknown reason. I was rather annoyed before but now i'm happy? I'm so strange.
Meh...I was just listening to a very bouncy song that made me dancer crazily into my room. It made me think of our cousin outing just recently at Star City. Our parents rented an apartment and we were par~taying while our parents were downstairs gambling or watching a concert. :P
It was sooo fun! We were inside the master bedroom, with our little cousin (who really shouldn't have been there) dancing to songs on Jackie's ipod, which was attached to a loud speaker. Now, i must say. I'm not exactly one of those people who usually dance. I find it rather awkward and would rather not coz i don't like embarrassing myself. When I'm around friends, i would just stand on the sidelines, shaking my head and feigning an excuse that i didn't know how to dance when someone tried to get me to join in. Yeah...i'm a boring person, so what!
The only times i dance are in the confines of my bedroom, with no one but myself, dancing in front of the mirror :D But I found that I was able to dance comfortably that night with my sister and cousins. And I had so much fun and didn't feel like digging a hole for myself because i was dying of embarrassment. I just belted out moves and didn't give a damn of what others thought of me. Something that i usually don't do. And for that reason, I have another reason to be so grateful to this tight bond that we share.
To be able to do something that is outside of my comfort zone is rare as I am a coward. So to be able to do that without shame, is a really big achievement, thanks to my sister and cousins.
We also sang to our auntie that night, who had to stay back to look after her two young children. I hope that she had as much fun as we had despite not being able to go with all the other adults. I hope that our little number to her was able to cheer her up and was able to let her have a little fun.
It's seriously no joke to be a mother. I'm sure we all agree that just trying to look after a child for a few hours is really tiring, let alone a few years. And to top that off, our auntie has to look after two children, both at young ages. That is crazy! I really take me hat off to her.
And i hope that our two little adorable cousins will get well soon as they are both not feeling well right now. They both get sick a lot, especially the little one. So I hope that they get well soon and become little energetic buggers again :)
Oh oh oh! It's nearly time for our cousin outing! The days counting down to the eventful evening are just sooo long! I just want it to hurry up and arrive so we can have lots and lots of fun together! I just can't wait!
Hehe...tomorrow is our prep day. We have to vacuum and change the bedsheets in prep for the night. It's gonna be very tiring, but very very worth it :)
Aiya...i'm itching for the day to come already!
I better go off and get some work done now. Cya lovelys
Our birthdays :)
It's been a while since you've heard from me, hasn't it?'s not that i don't love you guys, it's more of the fact that I don't know what to write. But i thought since it is now the holidays, i should pop in and say something :)
Term 1 of year 11 has been really hectic for me. Now, i know i shouldn't be complaining because my sister and cousins have got it worse, but i am seriously struggling. There is just loads and loads of hw, causing me to fall behind in 3 or more of my subjects :D That's more than half! To top it off, I've been having problems with my it hasn't exactly been fun outside of school either. That's why i am really really really glad it is the holidays. In some ways, i don't really wanna meet up with my friends in the holidays because i am scared i won't have a good time. I'd much rather stay at home dramaing or hanging out with my lovely lovely sister and cousins.
Ahh..what would i do without them? Now...i must admit, i don't talk to them as much as i would like to...because i am a year younger than them but mostly because I don't really take the time to talk to them :D But you know, I know that they are here for me and I'm really happy about that.
Though...i do seem very different from them. I'm more of a quiet, shy person, while they are more outgoing, as you guys can tell from the posts that they put up. But they are still so nice to me and include me in the things that they do, so I'm really grateful to them :)
Anyways, enough of that sappy stuff. Onto the reason for my title.
In just over 2 weeks, it will be.....drum roll please!
It will be me and Queenie's birthday!!!
Haha....for the first time in a really long time, our birthday's will be on a school day! How cool is that! But yeah, I can't wait for that. Hm....i wonder what i should get didn't see this Queenie ;)
Our birthday's aren't on the same day, but it is close enough, with only one day apart.
But you know what is even weirder? We have a cousin in Vietnam, someone guy that i haven't had a chance to meet yet, who was born on the same day, the same month and the same year as ME! It would have been cool if he was born around the same time but I was born at like around 10 at night i think while he was born at around noon. But yeah, it's so weird aye?
Haha...anyways, I don't really have much to say now.
Oh! I'm really excited about the cousin sleepover! I have been talking about it all throughout school, anticipating it! We are going to have so much fun :):)
Okay, i'm gonna go watch some videos because i go to tutoring :(
Love you guys
Haven't posted in a while. I haven't been feeling that great. All of my half yearly results came back, and they weren't that great. Nothing that you would really boast about. The things that I thought I'd done well on, I didn't do so great. So basically...the only thing that I did well on was maths, and that was barely good enough.
Sigh, these exams were so stressful, and I didn't really do that well. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything at all.
Ahh well, school is over for one more term. So two more to go. It doesn't feel as if half my HSC year is over...but it is!! I can't believe it!
I'm hoping that these holidays will be stress-free, but at the same time I want to get a lot of work done. But yeah, definitely looking forward to the cousin sleepover!
Sigh, I'm so tired of school. *pouts*
False Happiness
Ok so here we are end of term 1, Easter is around the corner, us students are celebrating the epic holidays together!! Yes!! And that means us cousins are about to celebrate this wonderful event!! With my last mentioned Sleepover!! We have planned Monopoly, Water Guns, 500 piece Puzzles x2, Hot Pot and City Outing filled with food, karaoke and Sticker photos!!
Anyways just like to shout out to you guys here about something appearing on my door step 2 days ago~ One of the best things that has ever happened in my life!! It was the Polaroid Camera that I ordered a few weeks ago!! The Fujifilm Instax 25!! It is the cutest thing out!! Oh I also like to brag out my seksi ipod speakers!! Music comes from 4 sides, Alarm and most of all I just love the remote that comes with it xD
Enough of the dragging!! Why is the blog called False Happiness you ask? Well don't you think its true? Yes although our exams are over but this is pretty much telling us how close some of our HSC are to us, halfway through and not alot of time left~ So lets spend this short break free and filled with laughter!!!
Just a lil brief update on my sister~ My mum has been to a counsellor on Tuesday and they advised her to call the police because we don't know if she is safe. The police surprisingly worked fast after a lil interview with my mum they managed to find her at one of her friends place and drove her back.. They told them to have a talk before they left and I decided to lock my mum and bec in a room so they can talk it out, after my shower when I went back in to see how they were... I only saw my mother pouring her eyes out and bec once again on her phone ==. She's always like that.. Ignoring everyone when we only try to understand her and ask her what she wants.. Annoyed I sat down next to her and begged her to tell me whats wrong and if she just wanted to go out without us telling her when to come back? that why she wont leave home again? She said no.. ok.. Fair enough.. So what do you want? *she continues playing on her phone*.. I hate it.. I mean ok you have a right to not say anything but at least give the slightest respect to your mum and listen!! Right? So I snatched the phone off her but she kicked and scratched me.. Me being in a bad mood at 12am midnight.. With a Chemistry exam the next day, fought back.. I hit daylights out of her.. xD oppsie violent me but if this would teach her respect I shall do it!! Mum tried to stop us but she hit mum too!! Whilst mum pulled me back she yelled to bec "Hit me, If you want to hit me, just hit me" and she did.. she punched mums arms.. She punched her in the head twice.. I couldn't take it and hit her once again. Mum was crying, she ripped us apart but I continued.. no one hits their own mother and especially not her!!
*Breathless* I raged at her, she stormed to her room, Me and my mums tears were flowing non-stop .. nothing hurts us more than to see my sister, her daughter walk the wrong path.. She states "You guys cry all you want I got another phone I don't care about any of you's" With a smirk on her face, I asked her "Why did you hit mum? she was defenseless why did you still hit her?! She simply said.. "I don't have a mum like her" What is that? That's not what a human with feelings would say!! I told her friends will always end up leaving, family never do, no matter what, plus her friends are fake, she don't like her for her!! Yet she ignored me she said "I don't have a family with you guys, I like my friends so much more, they are way better than you's!!" Speechless.. Entirely.. She started calling me ugly and saying I think I'm so pretty but really everyone hates me, I mean even if its true.. friendship-wise at least my friends are true.. I know most of her friends and they all use her.. All leave her in the end.. However we just left her after.. We knew she won't change and we had nothing more to say.. Disappointed, but I've still decided to invite her to our cousin outing.. Never-the-less she is still family.. I've told Jay that we won't make her feel left out if she agrees to come.. I mean.. We are studying belonging in english now.. We should understand the feeling of not-belonging its painful.. its lonely.. No matter how bad a person may be, they always want to belong.. Don't they? No one wants to be alone.. Maybe I'm just over sensitive once again, emotional >.> but really.. I think about it alot.. I don;t think anyone deserves to not belonging.. But that's why thought ^^ *deep sigh*
Gosh... this blog has really taken the last bit of my energy ><.. How can I complain? I brought this onto myself.. from sleeping at 2-3am every night to waking up at 7 not to mention today I woke up at 5am to study.. Yarz... Sent sunrise with 4unit maths.. With work and studies, bec all rotating in my life.. What a sad life I have.. aye? But I might continue fighting!!! Now I would-d-d-d.....zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz..... *sleeping thoughts* I think I slept halfway through a sentence... oh well.. I-Love-You~ mmm chocolate bunny.. *drools in sleep* I love easter.. ooooooo I see LaLaLand!!! *flies* Ok.. I'm just weird...
x3 Bebe.
Fights from Siblings...
Gosh.. I shouldnt be here.. why? Well I'm currently in the midst of my half yearly exams xD
okok i know get my butt off this blog right? But hey!! I'm only human I need a break.. really... from all those maths formulas flying around in my head!! Honestly.. does board of studies wanna kill they're future generations?! Geesh!! poor teenagers like ourselves are wasting our lives not on laughter and fun but rather shoving our heads in books!! I mean.. I know yea.. we learn best when we're young and we gain knowledge blah blah blah but give us kids a break.. lifes too short to be wasting 1/4 of our lives in books!! Ok.. enough of my stupid rant which doesnt even change the board of studies' minds xD
So where was I? Screw the thought of my half yearlies!! I am SOOOOO looking foward to the upcoming holidays!!! Yup yup autumn is here and we's no longer sweating our asses off at school!!! Welcome Partays!!! Welcome Easter!!! (most importantly the easter show and the chocolates!!!) hmm.. what else? Whatever.. Welcome all the fun things in this world!!!! Us cousins have planned an outing that will be helping us reminise our times~ relax~ and most of all HAVE FUN!!!
*Thinks* What shall we do? Well its decided on a Thursday night we will treat our grandmas out for hotpot [yum~yum~yum!!] Then we're gonna head over to Jay & Viv's house for a sleep over!! Well.. ugh.. not exactly sleepover when we'll be all~nightering right? Oh well and yes we would come together to upload this blog~ Update you guys on Caitlyn~ Uhh.. Lets see? oh right!! organise an Easter Hunt!!!! Woooooh!!!! Can't wait!! and after our LONG LONG night we shall head out to the city!! Obviously Going to karaoke!! We all love singing so much!! and yea~ our lil family band xDxD Watch us shine bubz!! Ok~ then how can we forget our Friday Night Markets?! Where the delicious Curry Fish Balls and mini stores to check out?! well.. we were planning to make another sleep over.. but due to some of us having tutor the next morning.. - yess.. we're asian and we go tutor.. as if board of studies doesn't give us enough pressure.. >.> - we won't be doing that i guess~ Oh wello~ we have fun with each other no matter where we are!!
Now enough of annoucements.. I'm goign to continue on my sister..
*sigh sigh sigh* where to start?! She has once again not come home since friday morning.. we really don't know what to do with her.. we've tried everything!! from negoiating to world war III to ignoring to pleading to whatever!! She can't stop!!! I'm kinda getting so use to it I don't even care about her anymore..
OMG!!! and I shall tell you about her fight outside of school.. I am somewhat proud I guess~ Haha there have been a couple of girls who wanted to hit her so badly that hey called for a "one-on-one" and 1st fight~ against my ex best friend until she bretrayed me >.> anyway Bec somehow won although she was so much smaller than her.. like.. WHAM!!! awesomeness~ then the next day.. bec wasn't allowed out by my parents.. but as i was studying in the library me and my guy friends got a phone call from them saying they want to fight us.. [screw them for disturbing my study time] we couldn't ignore them because they had over 50 people inthe park waiting for us and some of our friends were already down there.. in the short notice of time we could only call 30 people down from everywhere who was free on a saturday afternoon!! However they were really scared when they saw one of our friends!! He was really big!! It was the first him I've seen him he's nickname was "Biggie" or something and yes he was really really big.. he was very angry at the other side for annoying us~ They were scared and stepped back.. however the police started coming.. they scattered~ some of them even sang the happy birthday song to try and tell the police we're having a party at the park xDxD silly~ The police aren't stupid!! We on the other hand didn't have that many people so we just left in couples and pretended we were just walking by~ However later I bumped into my ex best friend.. I had a talk with her.. she was all too fake.. she acted like she didnt start anything!! It was her boyfriend and two brothers who started it up anyway.. I just told her to back off!! If she still has little respect in me and her.. she better tell them to back off.. and I guess she didn't want to start anymore with me since we had a bad finish.. So she just called them off.. That was the end of that or so I thought.. They were the cause of me and my god-brothers argument.. we only just made up due to a misunderstand and they.. *sigh* lets just say.. although he's not actually my brother.. I took him as real family.. he's.. Important.. Anyway ^^ back to my story~ A few days later when my sister finished school.. they came up to her again!! they don't stop =.= but I didn't want to be part of it anymore I'm way too tired to immature "teeny boppers" I just let Bec and my friends handle it.. This time we hasd 100 on our side because our friends were all in the area at the time.. It was somewhat scary.. I'm going to skip all the other bits but lets just say Bec did end up in another fight with another girls.. She apparently knew karate.. and was acting all cocky.. however beforehand I taught Bec some moves and did great!! She threw her head against her knee, threw it over and over against against a glass door and cut her lip.. got her into a headlock and knocked the sunlights out of all.. and last.. she managed to tear off her.. Battle.Ready.Armor.. [for those who don't know what that is.. just read the capital letters] and another friend of ours made a guy who was calling her names and swearing threats at her say sorry and vow to never do it again.. well I guess this time really is the end~
*Another Sigh* life of the some teenagers.. go school man =.="
but they chose their life.. no future? it doesn't concern me as they're not the ones that I value.. I don't like fights.. I really don't.. seeing people hurt.. especially for stupid reasons like that.. For some reason my heart always cringes.. I suppose it's my soft heartedness.. I really hate it though..
ANYWAYS!! I'm going to stop here!! As I have a pile of maths equations piling on top of me *curses under breath* Keke~ I've really gotta stop my depressing blogs but then again this blog is called "If my life were a drama" right?! Emotions are supposed to be set free here~
And now..
QQ: Get out of your room!! Open up as me, jay and viv would be holding you up no matter what!!
Jay: Please don't kill anyone while I'm doing my exams
Viv: Where are you?!
x3. Bebe.
a girl who stresses and worries about everything..sorry guys! trying very hard to fix that! ==
but moving on...i just want to say that I LOVEE my cousinss!! always supporting me and making me laugh when i'm at my saddest...
This is very depressing btw soo haha but i need to release ;)
as you all know...i broke up with my bf, mel~ it was a relationship that has brought me great pain but also great happiness.
At the beginning, the relationship was going really well until...he moved to epping and i started yr 12...from then onwards it started to break down, we hardly saw each other...we started drifting apart mum will constantly tell me and pressure me to not to let one guy affect my i tried my best to focus on my studies but of course the time spent with my bf was decreasing
whenever we talked, he would always tell me how lonely he was without me..i felt soo was unfair that he had to suffer because of my selfishness. i was mad at myself..hated myself...
i always tell him sorry i dont spend enough time with you...he always tells me nicely that 'its fine' 'i understand' but i know deep down inside he really disliked the fact that he could not spend time with his gf like in a normal relationship. i always thought breaking up would be better for both of us but i was wrong...
i have come to realise that i actually still love him very much but its too late...cos i've already lost him...
jay will probably kill me when she sees this...but i've been crying non stop over him today** even now...
i hope he finds happiness with someone who will always be there for him ....
fkkkk i'm going to get red panda eyes tomorrow O_O
anyways~ on a happier side! i want to say thanks to Jay!!! who puts up with my depression err nearly everyday and can always make me laugh soo hard with her err dirtiness and sexiness LOL...*btw i still feel sorry for the camel ;)
Viv!! you're always giving me comfort and listened to me even tho you had english hw !! and of course i love jackieee! even tho she chose maths over me haha but i still love her! you guys makes mee...-nose bleed/erect- god why do you guys have to be soo hot for
fkk if only aus. allows incest and lesbian relationships!! i'll marry you alll!!
this weekend was a depressing onee....but i've decided not to look back at the past but instead move forward!!
and i just cant emphasise enough....
but omg i cant wait to bitch about cailtin!! fk i hate viet girls ><
lots of love,